SEWING: Pac-Man & Ghosts | Pac-Man i Duchy + Mario game scenario


I present you a gift for my son - Pac-Man and Ghosts. I also describe play scenario with Pac-Man and Mario. In the video on my channel with English subtitles I tell you about the plush pillows I made.

Ostatnio uszyłam prezent dla synka - Pac-Man i Duchy. W poście opisuję też scenariusz zabawy, którą przygotowałam dla synka. Zabawa związana z Mario i Pac-Manem. Koniecznie obejrzyjcie filmik na kanale - tam dokładnie objaśniam, jak wykonałam te poduchy.

Template FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY | Wzór tylko do użytku osobistego.

Watch the video | Obejrzyj filmik

The creator of the arcade game Pac-Man: TORU IWANATI working for Namco. 

He created Pac-Man in 1980. In 2020 - Pac-Man 40th anniversary He created Pac-Man, looking at the pizza with a slice removed. It was inspiration for Pac-Man's mouth. Iwanati mentioned that at that time most of the games were about shooting monsters in space and he wanted to make a game about eating. 

My source of information

- Piotr Mańkowski, Wielka księga gier, Idea Ahead, Warszawa 2018. 

- Retro Gamer ANNUAL, 2020 

The objective of the game is to eat all of the dots placed in the maze while avoiding four colored ghosts - Blinky (red), Pinky (pink), Inky (cyan), and Clyde (orange).

In Pac-Man Americans played slot machines. By the end of 1981, there were over 100,000 Pac-Man machines around the world. The game brought huge profits. 


I started from drawing a big circle on the wrong side of the fabric. I used a big plate 32 cm in diameter. I've cut a piece 45 degrees. I didn't make the sphere. I wanted to make a pillow. 

To make the stripe, measure the circuit with e.g. a piece of yarn or centimeter. My stripe is 94 cm long and 10 cm wide (+ you have to add seam allowance). It is better to cut the stripe approx. 100 cm and pin the stripe before sewing. Add common points for better sewing. 

I pinned and then made the basting stitch before sewing on my sewing machine. 

Pac-Man and Ghosts are made mostly with fleece. Then I made the inner mouth with two black pieces of felt 10 cm wide, 16 cm long (radius of my circle) + add seam allowance 1 cm for both sides I left the opening for filling the toy. I sewed with ladder stitch (I explain it in my Numberjacks video). The eye - circle 4 cm in diameter. I glued with Magic glue.



The template for the ghosts is below. Two sheets of A4 that you have to join (print everything in actual size 100%). Template has no seam allowance - you have to add 1 cm for sewing. I marked two points - top centre and bottom for placing the stripes. I used two stripes sewed in the top centre. Opening is in the bottom centre. 


How to measure the lenght of the stripe? The same way as for Pac-Man - with a piece of yarn or centimeter 40 cm (arch) + 17 cm (waved) = 57 cm 

One stripe is approx 60 cm + add seam allowance. Pin and make basting stich before sewing.

The stripe is 6 cm wide (+ 1 cm seam allowance).

Fill the ghost - the opening is at the bottom. Then sew with ladder stitch. 

Eyes - template is below. Eyes made with a piece of white and black felt. Glued with Magic glue. Placement of the eyes: 

- distance from the left/right edges = approx 3 cm 

- distance between the eyes = 3 cm 

- distance from the top = approx 5-6 cm 

The pupils are differently placed (top/bottom/right/left).

My son likes Pac-Man and Mario, so I planned to make a game for him (looking for the ghosts). 


Scenariusz gry

Grześ dostaje kod odbioru do paczkomatu, a w środku czapka Mario + wprowadzenie. Paczkomat obok stołu. 

Wprowadzenie do gry: Bowser czuł się już zmęczony, więc wyjechał na urlop do Krainy Ciemności, ale przed wyjazdem musiał znaleźć jakiegoś zastępcę. Dogadał się z duchami z labiryntu Pac-Mana. Duchy na zlecenie Bowsera porwały Daisy, a Pac-Man gdzieś się ukrył. Wcielisz się w postać Mario. Twoje zadania: 

1. Odszukaj Pac-Mana 

2. Złap wszystkie 4 duchy 

3. Uratuj Daisy 

4. Po drodze będziesz odkrywał pudełka ze znakami zapytania, a w nich znajdziesz przedmioty, które pomogą Ci w walce z duchami. Twoja baza to łóżko piętrowe, więc tam zanoś wszystkie złapane duchy. 


Level 1.1. Zadanie: Ułóż rebus, a dowiesz się, gdzie jest Pac-Man, który pomoże Ci w walce z duchami. [hasło: szafa] + I box[kulka różowa + zielony grzybek]. Przejdź przez rurę do podziemi – tam czai się Pinky. Pinky pokonany. 

Level 1.2. Gdzie jest kolejny duch? Wyjdź z podziemi do zamkowej kuchni – w szafce jest II box. [kulka niebieska + ognisty kwiat]. Za drzwiami jest Inky. Zadanie: ułóż puzzle. Inky pokonany. Wskazówka: Blinky jest w Twoim domku na kanapie. III box [kulka czerwona + gwiazdka] 

Level 1.3. Blinky – kanapa Zajrzyj za zasłonkę. IV box [kulka pomarańczowa + czerwony grzybek] 

Level 1.4. Clide – Zasłonka 



My son receives a pickup code to a parcel locker, and inside he founds a Mario cap + introduction 

INTRODUCTION: Bowser was already feeling tired, so he went on vacation to the Darklands, but had to find a replacement before he left. He got along with the ghosts in Pac-Man's maze. Ghosts commissioned by Bowser kidnapped Daisy, and Pac-Man is hiding somewhere. You will play the role of Mario. 

Your tasks: 

1. Find Pac-Man 

2. Capture all 4 ghosts 

3. Save Daisy 

4. On your way, you will discover boxes with question marks, and in them you will find items that will help you fight the ghosts. Your base is a bunk bed, so take all captured ghosts there. 

Let's start!

Level 1.1. Task: Make a rebus and you will find out where Pac-Man is, who will help you in the fight against ghosts. [password: wardrobe] + I box [pink ball + green mushroom]. Go through the pipe to the underground - Pinky is lurking there. Pinky defeated. 

Level 1.2. Where is the next ghost? Go from the underground to the castle kitchen - there is a second box in the cabinet. [blue ball + fire flower]. There's Inky behind the door. Task: put together a puzzle. Inky defeated. Tip: Blinky is in your cabin on the couch. III box [red ball + star] 

Level 1.3. Blinky - the couch Look behind the curtain. IV box [orange ball + red mushroom] 

Level 1.4. Clide - Curtain 

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